Congratulations to the following Middle School students who earned a spot on the Honor Roll first semester!
4 months ago, Tina Almanza
4 months ago, Kimberly Miller
April/May BOE Mtg
January is School Board Recognition Month! Our school board members help make crucial decisions for our students and staff. Be sure to thank your school board members this month for School Board Recognition Month! #EagleStrong! #ThankBOE
4 months ago, Kimberly Miller
Thank you BOE
January is School Board Recognition Month. Thank you, USD 463 Board Members for your dedication and service! #EagleStrong! #ThankBOE
4 months ago, Kimberly Miller
2024 Yearbooks are now on sale! High School/Middle School Yearbooks are $35 and Elementary books are $20. Bring a check (made out to USD 463) or cash to the office. Ordering online is available as well. To order visit: Elementary Book and enter this code: 81791 High School/Middle School Book and enter this code: 81791N
4 months ago, Jackie Smart
Dear Senior Students/Parents, The yearbook staff has decided to include senior tributes in the 2024 yearbook. These tributes are in the front of the yearbook and are sent from parents, grandparents, and siblings to wish their senior the best of luck in his/her future. This year we have several options for you to choose. We are offering word tributes or word/picture tributes in the following sizes; ⅛ page (business card size) with up to 20 words or a picture for $40, ¼ page with up to 30 words and up to two pictures for $60, a half page with up to 40 words and up to four pictures for $80, and a full page with up to 50 words and up to 10 pictures for $100. Senior pictures as well as pictures from your senior’s childhood are welcome. Your tributes will look best if you send good quality digital color photos for us to use. We can use either digital photos or traditional photos. If you would like to participate in this opportunity, we must have your order by Friday, April 5th. Please send your tributes and/ or pictures along with your cash or check for the correct amount payable to USD 463 at 301 W Fourth Street, Udall, KS 67146 (attention:Yearbook). The photos will be scanned and returned by the end of the school year. Sincerely, Melanie Wood, Yearbook Advisor
4 months ago, Jackie Smart
Congratulations goes out to these students for Perfect Attendance for the 2nd nine weeks of school! #EagleStrong!
4 months ago, Jackie Smart
all grades for PA
Congratulations to 7th grader Natalie Perkins, and junior Isaac Johnson for being selected Students of the Month for December! Staff had the following to say about each student... "Natalie always has a positive attitude in class. She works hard on her own projects and is always willing to help classmates. I can put Natalie in a group with any other student in the class, and she will work hard to make sure the group is successful while encouraging the other students." " Isaac is an all-around great student and person! He is a part of High School Stuco, FBLA, and NHS. He is a leader of his peers and respectful to adults. His assignments are always completed to the highest standard. He's fun to talk to and just a joy to be around."
4 months ago, Tina Almanza
Celebrate School Board Recognition Month with us by thanking our school board members! Our school board includes Andrea Ahlerich, Rebecca Mason, Clayton Bishop, Adrianne King, Scott Eilers, Megan Clasen and Chris Holmes. These seven individuals make crucial decisions for the students and staff at USD 463. Thank you, school board leaders! #EagleStrong #ThankBOE
4 months ago, Kimberly Miller
School Board
Yesterday, January 9th was Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! Our school district would like to send a BIG SHOUTOUT to our SRO Officer Ryan Ware! Thank you for all that you do help our staff and students! #EagleStrong
4 months ago, Jackie Smart
Officer Ware
IMPORTANT REMINDER! The National Honor Society is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive THIS WEDNESDAY (the day after tomorrow!), January 10. Please use the following link and make your appointment today. Udall has had fewer donors so far this school year which hurts in two ways: one, it leaves a shortage in our country's blood supply that is so critical during the winter; and two, it decreases the scholarship funds that our Udall seniors receive at the end of the school year. PLEASE HELP US TO HELP OTHERS AND CLICK IN TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!
4 months ago, Mrs. Rochelle Dickson
Congratulations to the senior class for winning the StuCo Christmas hall decorating contest! Their Peanuts Christmas brightened the halls and they earned a pizza lunch for all of their hard work!
5 months ago, USD 463
Senior Christmas Hallway
Senior Hall Decorating
Senior Hall Decorating
Senior Hall Decorating
Senior Hall Decorating
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Spirit Day #5! Ugly sweater day! Enjoy your Christmas break! We will see everyone back here at the school on January 3rd. #EagleStrong
5 months ago, Jackie Smart
4th grade
5th grade
3rd grade
2nd grade
1st grade
USD 463 hosted our December Site Council meeting today. Staff and students presented information to the council about district topics such as communications, structured literacy, student support services, the career pathways program at the elementary school, and facility updates. The site council toured the elementary school and visited the 5th graders' Poetry Cafe. Our district was also thrilled to welcome State Board Member, Jim McNiece, who visited our district during the site council meeting. He joined the fun for the tour and the Poetry Cafe. #EagleStrong!
5 months ago, Heidi Perkins
Spirit Day #4. It's pajama day here at the grade school! #EagleStrong
5 months ago, Jackie Smart
1st grade
4th graders
5th graders
2nd graers
At the December school board meeting, USD 463 celebrated school board member, Shelly French, for her years of service to our students, staff, and families. (The gift of appreciation was designed and made by students in Mr. Sobba's class.) Thank you, Shelly, for your commitment to USD 463 during your term as a school board member. #EagleStrong!
5 months ago, Heidi Perkins
At the December school board meeting, USD 463 celebrated school board president, James Jirak for his years of leadership and service to our district. (The gift of appreciation was designed and made by students in Mr. Sobba's class.) Thank you, James, for your commitment to our Eagle students, staff, and families during your term as a USD 463 school board member. #EagleStrong!
5 months ago, Heidi Perkins
2023 Grinch Day for Mrs. Johnson's 3rd grade class!
5 months ago, Jackie Smart
3rd grade Grinch day
Grinch Day
3rd graders
Grinch Day
Grinch Day
Grinch Day
3rd grade
Our 3rd graders were given a baking lesson by our kitchen staff Krysanna and Bryanna. They presented information about her bakery business as part of their study of the Hospitality Career Pathway.
5 months ago, Jackie Smart
3rd grade
Teaching about baking
The Eagle Mercantile (FCCLA organization) has several items still available for purchase. We are offering discount prices so that you may do some Christmas shopping! Please let me know what item(s) you would like to purchase and we will deliver them to you in your classroom 🎅 First come, first serve so don't miss out. Pictures are attached. Thank you for considering to support the FCCLA Organization! MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 $5 each (marked down from $8) ½ Pint jars Cranberry Butter ½ Pint jars Cherry Jalapeño Jam ½ Pint jars Christmas Jam (Strawberry/raspberry/ spices) 8x12 Snowman Window scene - $5 12x16 Santa Sleigh Window scene - $10 Snowman Snowglobe - $8 Cake stands (now more durable!) - $5
5 months ago, Mrs. Rochelle Dickson
Snowman Window scene
Santa window scene
Snowman snowglobe
cakestand 1
cakestand 2